Fiera Agricola Zootecnica Italiana
È la manifestazione dedicata al settore primario, attrezzature agricole e zootecnia in programma dall’1 al 3 febbraio al Centro Fiera di Montichiari (BS).



The 94th Agricultural Zootechnical Fair of Montichiari closes with over 38,000 visitors and with the awareness of the centrality of agriculture in the national economic and agri-food system. “The sector is increasingly professional and projected to grow further, thanks to investments in new technologies and through solutions that will

The war on meat and synthetic food starts from the Italian Agricultural Zootechnical Fair (FAZI) in Montichiari, with Coldiretti leading the defense of animal husbandry as an environmentally sustainable and economically successful production model, a bastion of productive traditions and food products that have their history over the

Effects of climate change, rising production costs and multiple unforeseen events, from the pandemic to the war in Ukraine to the crisis of the logistic chains, scenarios that have inflamed the markets. A combination that has had an influence on prices, which Professor Daniele Rama, agricultural economist and