The LIFE BEEF CARBON project aims to reduce the carbon footprint in the breeding of beef cattle thanks to the application of numerous strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The program provides farmers and operators in the sector with tools and methodologies for the assessment of the carbon footprint at farm level that can be applied in a system of measurement, communication and verification (MRV) and to the construction of a voluntary market of the quotas of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the livestock sector.
On the occasion of FAZI 2021, on Friday 5 November, at 9.30, CREA promotes the conference entitled “Guidelines for carbon neutrality in beef cattle farms“.
The meeting will present the results and conclusions of the project, which saw the participation of 2,000 farmers from four European meat-producing countries. Guidelines will be presented that farmers can follow to reach the goal of carbon neutrality.
9.30 am
Registration of participants and welcome greetings
9.45 am
Introduction by the Director of CREA
10.00 am
Luciano Migliorati, CREA – Research Center for Zootechnics and Aquaculture
HOURS 10:20
Mitigation techniques to develop sustainable farming systems
Sara Carè, CREA – Research Center for Zootechnics and Aquaculture
HOURS 10:40
Is the reduction of the environmental impact economically sustainable?
Claudio Montanari, CRPA
11.00 am
Carbon neutrality guidelines
Giacomo Pirlo, CREA-Center for Zootechnics and Aquaculture Research
11.20 am
Assessment of the experience of the Associations within the LIFE BEEF CARBON project
G. Marchesin, UNICARVE – F. Martini, ASPROCARNE
11.40 am
Intervention by breeders of the beef cattle chain
Discussion and conclusions
Organizational secretariat
Dr Luciano Migliorati and Dr Sara Carè CREA of Lodi
Mail: sara.care@crea.gov.it